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    Help A Veteran is a Non-Profit Organization that I (Dean Terrell) have been doing for Veterans on a local level since around 1995. I put my Heart into helping Veterans, because I am a Disabled Veteran myself. I have fault my own V.A. Claim since around 1995. I do not know everything that there is to know about V.A. Law, but what I do not know I know how to find. I have Never Been to a War Zone. I was Stationed in Key West with VF-45 and our Squadron worked as an East Coast Top Gun outfit. When Desert Storm started our Squadron went from launching out 3 to 4 Airplanes an hour to 10 to 12 an hour.

I enjoy helping Veterans who have P.T.S.D. that have been in a war. The first claim that I worked was a Veteran who served in Vietnam. That Veteran went from 50% disability to 100% disability within 2 months. After that I started gathering more and more information that would enable me to help more Veterans. I suffered and almost Died from a Brain Tumor in late 1995 and it was removed in Jan. 1996. After recovering from my Brain Tumor, I decided to dedicate my life to helping other Veterans. I know personally how life can be taken from any person. I thrive on helping Veterans and their Families get the disability that they rightfully deserve. I have also helped Service People while they were serving their country. I plan on integrating my Help A Veteran Organization into helping Military personnel transition out of the military, and allowing them to know what they deserve from the V.A..